Sun Pre-School

Sun class is our Pre-school class for 3-4 year olds. Located adjacent to the Reception class, it is the perfect location for children as they continue their learning journey and prepare for life at ‘big school’. The fact that the Reception class is just next door makes transition straight forward as the children have frequent opportunities to meet, and learn and play together with the Reception children and staff.

With a large classroom and adjoining outside areas and access to the playground, field and forest our children have plenty of opportunities to learn in the way children learn best – through play. Our children continue to develop their social skills and confidence while also acquiring those school readiness skills that will help them flourish in Reception.

There are 24 places per session in Sun Class with an adult to child ratio of 1:8.

For more information or to arrange to visit Sun class, please contact the school office:

If you would like your child to join our pre-school please complete the application form below and return to the school office either hard copy or via

Click Here to download an Application form


Image of children playing with water